This refinished bench has been on my list to update for some time. I’ve had it for about 15 years. It finally received a fresh new look with chalk paint!
Refinished Bench
Like most of you, I love using chalk paint to update furniture for many reasons. It is great that you don’t need to prime it, the finish looks great sanded or left as is & the colors are gorgeous. I will always be an Annie Sloan fan, but lately because of cost & convenience I have been using Americana Chalk Paint and have been very happy with it. I have been wanting to update this beautiful deacon’s bench that I have had for about 15 years. I just felt the stenciling was outdated and didn’t really go in my new bedroom.

Isn’t the Create pillow adorable? I found it at a cute home decor store on clearance!
Here is the before. I added the vine stencil a few years back. Remember when vines were really popular? It definitely needed an update!